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Sanders' Chocolate Bumpy Cake
This is a very sweet rich and decadent dessert.It looks very fancy when done but is pretty easy for a novice cook to put together.The recipe says it serves 24 but I think that would be stretching it a bit as the slices would be rather thin to get that many.Especially if you have a sweet tooth ;- )
- 130 liter hot black coffee or 130 liter water
- A cup with a capacity of 130 ml containing cocoa
- 130 liter oil
- A bowl with a capacity of 1/4 liter containing buttermilk
- 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cuillère à café d'extrait de vanille
- 2 eggs
Un bol d'une capacité de3/5 litres contenant du sucre en poudre
- A bowl with a capacity of 1/2 liter containing flour
- 200 grammes de beurre, divisé
Un bol d'une capacité de3/5 litres contenant du sucre en poudre
- A cup with a capacity of 170 ml containing sweetened condensed milk
- 2 large egg whites
Un bol d'une capacité de3/5 litres contenant du sucre en poudre
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cuillère à café d'extrait de vanille
Un bol d'une capacité de3/5 litres contenant du sucre en poudre
- A cup with a capacity of 130 ml containing buttermilk
Un bol d'une capacité de3/5 litres contenant du sucre en poudre
- A cup with a capacity of 80 ml containing dark corn syrup
- A cup with a capacity of 80 ml containing cocoa
- 1 dash salt
- 200 grammes de beurre, divisé
Un bol d'une capacité de3/5 litres contenant du sucre en poudre
- 1 cuillère à café d'extrait de vanille
For Cake: In large bowl, combine coffee and cocoa; beat on medium speed for 30 seconds.
Add oil; beat for 30 seconds; add buttermilk; beat for 30 seconds; add baking soda; beat for 30 seconds; add salt; beat for 30 seconds; add vanilla; beat for 30 seconds; add eggs; beat for 30 seconds; add sugar; beat for 30 seconds.
Add flour; beat for 5 minutes.
Batter will be very bubbly.
Pour batter into greased ( 23x33 centimetre ) pan and bake at 375ºF for 35-40 minutes.
For SANDERS' BUTTERCREAM ICING: Place butter in mixing bowl, add 1/2 liter powdered sugar; mix at low speed to obtain smooth paste.
Whip at medium speed, adding milk slowly and gradually, until light and fluffy.
Using a very clean bowl and beater, whip egg whites until stiff while adding the 130 liter powdered sugar slowly.
Mix this meringue slowly into the above mixture.
Add vanilla and remaining A cup with a capacity of 130 ml containing powdered sugar.
This last amount of sugar can be doubled if stiffer icing is desired.
For POURABLE FUDGE FROSTING: Over medium-high heat, combine buttermilk, sugar, corn syrup, salt and half the butter.
Bring mixture to a boil.
When mixture reaches the soft-ball stage, remove from heat.
Add remaining butter, powdered sugar and vanilla.
This will have a"pouring consistency".
TO ASSEMBLE CAKE: prepare cake as directed.
When cake is cooled, place cake in freezer for at least 30 minutes.
Prepare buttercream icing, then shape into ( 2.5 centimetre ) rolls, placing on frozen cake, 2.5 centimetre apart across the top of the cake.
Return to the freezer for at least an additional 15 minutes.
Apply cooled fudge frosting to top of cake, covering buttercream rolls completely.
Return to freezer for several minutes or more to set frosting.
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