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Smoky Sweet Spareribs With Sauce and Beans
This is the beginning of a beautiful BBQ gathering with a delicious rib, sauce, and baked bean recipe.Invite friends to bring some cornbread, cole slaw, potato salad, etc.for one outstanding outdoor party!.: ) We got the basis of this recipe from Cook's Country for a charcoal or wood grill with a lid but could be adapted for a gas grill.We have also posted Recipe 1282168 separately in a 2 liter ( 1814 gram ) quantity for those just wanting to try the sauce, or to make a large batch for the summer or to give as gifts.Enjoy! : )
- 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
- 1 small onion, chopped fine ( about A bowl with a capacity of 1/2 liter containing )
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1/3 liter chicken broth
- 130 liter apple cider vinegar
- A cup with a capacity of 60 ml containing ketchup
- A cup with a capacity of 60 ml containing corn syrup
- 2 tablespoons molasses
- 2 cuillères à soupe de sucre brun clair
- 85 gram tomato paste
- 1 teaspoon hot sauce ( recommended Got the 2bleu's Hot Sauce )
- 1 teaspoon ground mustard
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 113 gram root beer
- 1 dash kosher salt
- 1/2 cuillère à soupe de poivre noir
- 2 cuillères à soupe de sucre brun clair
- 2 cuillères à soupe de paprika
- 1/2 tablespoon salt
- 1/2 cuillère à soupe de poivre noir
- 1/2 cuillère à café de poudre d'ail
- 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
- 1 trait de poivre de Cayenne
- 900 côtes levées de 1 gramme (1 côtes levées style St Louis)
- 1,3 kilogramme de copeaux de noyer
- 1588 grammes de fèves au lard (recommandé barbecue Rock and Roll Haricots de style pit pour la mijoteuse )
WET SAUCE: In a heavy duty medium-sized saucepan, heat oil over medium heat.Add onion and garlic and simmer about 3 minutes.Add remaining sauce ingredients and stir to blend.Reduce heat to simmer and continue cooking, uncovered, for 2 hours or until reduced by half or to desired consistency.Let cool, then using an emulsifier ( or use a blender ), blend to a smooth consistency.This makes about A bowl with a capacity of 3/5 liter containing of wet sauce.
Soak Hickory chips in water for at least 30 minutes.Meanwhile, prep ribs and grill.
DRY RUB & RIB PREP: Clean ribs by rinsing in water.With a sharp knife, stab several times into the membrane/tissue that is on the less meaty side of the ribs ( this will help the meat absorb the smoke ).Make a 1" slice at the top of the ribs in between each bone ( for easier cutting after they're done ).Mix dry rub ingredients together and rub onto both sides of rib racks.Cover and refrigerate while you prepare the grill ( can also be done the night before ).
GRILL PREP: Start coals in a chimney starter.when ready, spread coals onto bottom rack on 2 sides of the grill ( leaving a space in the middle ) and place a disposable drip pan in the center.Place 0.75 of the wood chips over coals then place cooking rack in position.
Place ribs ( meat side up ) onto center of grill over drip pan.Place a sheet of foil snugly over the tops of the ribs.Place cover over grill and open vent directly above the position of the ribs.Cook for 1 hour.
Turn ribs over, and cook an additional hour adding the remaining wood chips ( and more coals if necessary ).
Have a sheet of heavy duty foil ready ( large enough to encase the ribs ).Remove ribs from grill and onto the foil.Spread A bowl with a capacity of 1/4 liter containing of the wet sauce generously over both sides of the ribs.Seal up the ribs in the foil to make packets ( double the foil if necessary ).
BEANS PREP: Place beans in a disposable foil pan.Stir in 1/4 liter of the wet sauce.Cover with HD foil and using a thin skewer, poke holes in the top.Place the beans on top of the disposable pan that's under the ribs to heat and smoke beans.Place the rib packets on the grill.Cover with vent over ribs and cook 30-45 minutes more.
Remove ribs from packet and cut double ribs for serving.Take the crunchy brown/burnt edges and chop up coarsely.Add them to the beans and stir.Serve ribs with beans and side of remaining sauce.
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